This is the ultimate guide for the novice photographer. Packed with vital information from choosing a good camera to hot tips for being a successful amateur photographer.

These are just some of the tricks you can do to take excellent shots, be it a simple point-and shoot kind of camera, mobile device or the more professional SLR type. Photography is really an enjoyable and fulfilling hobby, especially when a lot of people also appreciate your work. It is not that difficult to take shots that most people will like. Just explore, read different books, and take advice from pros and you’ll surely be one of them in just a matter of time.

Included in this book: “Shooting Products To Sell Online” – tips and tricks on cheap methods of presenting your products for online sales.

  1. Choosing the right Camera
  2. Focus, depth of field & lenses
  3. Photo Effects
  4. Focus & get the best out of a shot
  5. Zoom Lenses
  6. How do filters work?
  7. Colour or black & white?
  8. Tips for successful amateur photography
  9. Strategies for portrait photography
  10. Shooting products to sell online

Grab yourself a copy of this today. Instant download.